MMA Punch - MMA News, Fight Predictions, and Opinions

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

George St. Pierre on Adam Carolla morning show

This morning I happened to catch George St. Pierre on the Adam Carolla morning radio show (FreeFM 101.5). Even though the newly crowned welterweight champion isn’t the most fluid with the English language, he sure tries and was a great sport during the interview. Although Carolla is partially ignorant with mixed martial arts, he seemed to know enough to give a decent interview to GSP. There was one part of the show where a “caller” called in to say that he had a run-in with St. Pierre a few years ago while GSP was a bouncer. He said George was giving him a hard time and ended up fighting with this guy. The fight went to the ground and as part of a submission, GSP stuck his thumb up this guy’s ass. Obviously a fake caller, but pretty damn funny. The same guy called in and said the same thing when Matt Hughes was on the show. Who would have thought 5 years ago that a UFC fighter would be on a morning radio show that reaches millions of listeners? Mixed martial arts is progressing!



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