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Monday, June 18, 2007

UFC Wants to Go Global

The UFC has dominated the U.S. market and has had great success overseas as of late and Zuffa owner Lorenzo Fertitta wants to ride the momentum as reported on Yahoo Sport's new MMA channel.
But that, Fertitta said, is only part of an international expansion that he sees taking the sport to Germany next year and, soon, to Italy, Spain and Australia, as well as points in between. “The cool thing about it, and the reason I like moving things around, is every time we go to a new place, we create new fans,” Fertitta said. “There are going to be a lot of people in the arena tonight who don’t know the UFC. Maybe they heard about us from a friend, but they weren’t sure. more
As a fan, I love the fact that the UFC is so active with its events. This is such a far cry from just a few years ago when only three or four events where held the entire year. These days it's not uncommon to have that many events in the course of 30 to 60 days. The real question is, is this expansion happening too fast? Will the quality of the production suffer as Zuffa tries to put the UFC on the world map? If you're looking for a job, I'm sure the UFC is hiring. How else could a company grow so quickly?

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