MMA Punch - MMA News, Fight Predictions, and Opinions

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Boston bans Ultimate Fighting type event

Looks like some uneducated morons in Boston decided to pull the plug on a recent MMA event this past Saturday. I'm not sure the name of the event as it was a small NHB show, but it just goes to show how ignorant some people can be. A sport like football will rack up a much higher percentage of long term injuries than mixed martial arts. Only one person has died in a MMA event and that was year ago in an unsanctioned event in Russia! Hopeful people like Dana White at the UFC will be able to help educate the masses (via appearances on TV) that the sport truly is legit and safe! This will be to the benefit of all MMA and will keep knuckleheads like these guys in Boston from shutting down future events.


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