MMA Punch - MMA News, Fight Predictions, and Opinions

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Tickets for UFC 54 at MGM Grand

I remember not long ago that one could buy tickets to the Ultimate Fighting Championship without a problem. Not long ago, UFC tickets started at $35 for the cheap seats and you could buy a ticket right up to the night of the event. Now, UFC tickets start off at $50 for the cheap seats which are very limited. The next level of tickets are $100 and the seats are just marginal. Decent seat for the UFC are at least $200 now. I love mixed martial arts (specifically the UFC and Pride FC) and love attending the UFC (I've been to half a dozen events now) but am finding it hard to justify spending $200 on a ticket. I guess the good news is that the UFC is doing well if they can afford to charge so much for tickets. Also, they are selling out the MGM Grand! Good for the UFC, bad for some of the cheaper fans ;)



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