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Thursday, March 15, 2007

How to be a Better Person by Matt Hughes

Former UFC Welterweight Champion and future Ultimate Fighting hall of famer, Matt Hughes has some encouraging words as to how to become a better person and how to fight of the temptations of evil:
"When I first got married, I prayed and prayed not to have desires for other women. At the same time I worked on keeping my mind "clean." After about a year and a half, that came true. I still pray for God to keep me strong, but as a guy that will always be a weakness. The thing about God is, He might move at a slower pace than what we'd like, but He always gets were He wants to go."
" if I want to be a better person by keeping impure thoughts out of my head I would need to: 1. Pray 2. Condition my body to do the right thing. Back when I wanted to stop cursing, after I said something I shouldn't, I would stop and say a prayer of forgiveness. It didn't take long for me to stop saying those bad words."
I'm not a God-fearing Christian, but hey, whatever works for you. More power to you Matt and may the Lord be with you.



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