MMA Punch - MMA News, Fight Predictions, and Opinions

Monday, March 05, 2007

Holy shit, Couture wins!

Holy shit, Tim Sylvia gets dominated by Randy Couture. This was one of the best matches I've seen in a long long time. MMA at it's finest, exceeding my expectations for the night. Couture came in looking ripped as always but seemed to look healther at 222lbs. More comfortable and natural as a heavyweight than a light heavyweight. Going into the fight, I predicted that Silvia was going to knock the head off of "Captain America" which I don't think was too far fetched considering Randy got knocked out by Chuck Liddell twice. I've always been a fan of Couture by was honestly discouraged when he announced his retirement comeback. And then to take on the Ulitimate Fighting Championship's Heavyweight title holder Tim Syliva? Deathwish I thought. However, as the fight got closer, I did start to give Couture a bit more of a chance. Not sure why, maybe intuition. I'm just glad I wasn't in Las Vegas as I would have likely put some cash down on Silva.


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