MMA Punch - MMA News, Fight Predictions, and Opinions

Monday, May 14, 2007

Chuck Liddell Wants to Party with You!

Big MMA news if you're going to be in Las Vegas as UFC Champion the Iceman has made an annoucment on his official website that he will be throwing an after party the night of UFC 71. The party will be hosted by Studio 54 in Las Vegas. If he gets smashed by Quinton Jackson, I wonder how much he's going to want to party. I personally think it is a bad sign that he is already focused on partying after the fight. Chuck, you're gonna need the eye of the tiger to beat Rampage Jackson. Just in case you haven't seen it in a while, here is a clip of Liddell totally drugged up in an interview with Good Morning Texas television show a few months back.

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