MMA Punch - MMA News, Fight Predictions, and Opinions

Friday, May 11, 2007

Randy Couture to Fight Gonzaga August 25th

Or at least that is what Couture said in an interview with Here are some other things the UFC Champion had to say during that interview, paraphrased: 1. Couture picked Gonazaga to beat Cro Cop. 2. Randy's record for picking fight winners is 40 wins 15 losses (he should be betting in Vegas) 3. He observed that Mirko wasn't training in a cage and that it was going to hurt him going into the Gonzaga fight. 4. Couture said that Cro Cop has trouble with fighters who aren't intimidated by him. 5. And most importantly, Couture will take on Gabriel Gonzaga August 25th at a location TBD. Take not that the UFC has not confirmed this. Click here to read the article in its entirety.

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