MMA Punch - MMA News, Fight Predictions, and Opinions

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Joe Lauzon doesn't want to fight Cory Hill

Joe Lauzon, The Ultimate Fighter 5 contestant and fighter who knocked out Jens Pulver, is also a staff writer for a MMA news/blog site called Sure, tons of MMA sites out there (this included) give recaps of every TUF episode, but Lauzon actually provides an insider's view point and tells us things we didn't get to see on the show, such as "Going into the second round, I wanted to fight Brandon or Manny. I thought both fights were good pairings for me. Brandon is a striker without a lot on the ground, while Manny is good on the ground, but I thought I could get the takedown and put him on the fence. I wanted to avoid Corey because he is so tall and can make anyone look bad." Check out his latest blog entry and leave the guy a comment while you're at it. Click Here.

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