MMA Punch - MMA News, Fight Predictions, and Opinions

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Luke Cummo Drinks Piss

Yes, you read that correct. Luke Cummo actually drinks his own urine and has even written about it on his website. For that not familiar with Cummo, he's a MMA fighter who was on The Ulimate Fighter where he was thought of by fellow fighters as a strange guy. This takes the cake. This was taken directly from his website forum: " drink all that I can of my own urine. It has many advantages. It contains hormones, minerals, and elements that bind moisture to protein. Basically it is a recycling of things so that they can have another chance to get where they are destined. If you were to drink something, your body will want to excrete liquid in order to maintain a certain level of hydration. So it filters the blood and the urine may contain things that didn't get a chance to get where they were going. " You can see the entire post Here For more informatinon on Urine Therapy click Here



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