MMA Punch - MMA News, Fight Predictions, and Opinions

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Pay $1.99 for a UFC Clip?

I just received my semi regular e-newsletter from the UFC today. The headline was that Chuck Liddell was going to be featured on ESPN magazine. This I already knew. But they also had a link that read something like "Full Video of Liddell vs. Sobral." Sure, I'll check out that fight again. I click and get taken to a page where they want you to pay $1.99 for a fight that lasted all of 1 minute and 35 seconds. How about this UFC, in order to help hype up the upcoming championship match with Rampage Jackson, show the damn video for free. After all, this fight was back at UFC 62 and it will give fans who may not have seen the fight a little more insight into the Ice Man's fighting style. News flash: If you are afraid that if people won't want to buy the UFC 62 DVD because they can see it for free then you are a bit too full of yourselves.

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