MMA Punch - MMA News, Fight Predictions, and Opinions

Monday, May 07, 2007

Dana White Makes Floyd Mayweather an Offer offer he will most likely refuse. About an hour and a half after Mayweather's decision over Oscar De La Hoya, Dana White announced that he'd make Mayweather an offer to fight UFC's lightweight champions Sean Sherk. Dana's said "he'd make it worth Mayweather's while" even knowing that he received $10million just for his fight against De La Hoya, plus a share of PPV sales. Regardless of Dana's offer, I just don't see Mayweather accepting. He's all talk and likes to bash MMA fighter outside of the ring, or octagon. Take those big boxing gloves off and throw him into a cage and I think he might change his mind about mixed martial arts. The full, but brief article is posted on Yahoo Sports HERE.

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