MMA Punch - MMA News, Fight Predictions, and Opinions

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Fight Card - UFC Ultimate Fight Night 4/5/07

Lots of MMA action coming our way next week. Are you kidding me? UFC Ultimate Fight Night, the kick off of The Ultimate Fighter TV show on Spike, AND UFC 69! I wonder if people will actually get a little burnt out on all of the mixed martial arts or if it will only make demand stronger. Let's take them one at a time. Here is the official fight card for the UFC Ultimate Fight Night on April 5th. Joe "Daddy" Sevenson Vs. Melvin Guillard Justin McCully Vs. Antoni Hardonk Dokonjonosuke Mishima Vs. Kenny Florian Keita Nakamura Vs. Drew Fickett Kurt Pellegrino Vs. Sum Gi (TBD) Forrest Petz Vs. Kuniyoshi Hironaka Seth Petruzelli Vs. Wilson Gouveia Roan Carneiro Vs. Rich Clementi Naoyuki Kotani Vs. Thiago Tavares The UFC fight poll currently has Joe Stevenson and Melvin Guillard at even odds. Who do you think will win in this highly competive match-up?

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