With all the hoopla surround the upcoming Oscar De La Hoya vs. Floyd Mayweather I wasn't too surprised to find some posts on MMA forums surrounding these boxers. One post that was interesting:
With all of the momentum UFC/MMA has right now, and the continual decline in popularity of boxing, it's only a matter of time before decent boxers make the transistion to MMA and receive better pay and better visability. So, hypothetically,
who would make a better mixed martial artist, Mayeather or De La Hoya?
I think most MMA fans see the writing on the wall. MMA fighters are in, boxers are out, especially with Generation Y. 10 years ago there were dozens of boxers that were household names, but now there are only a handful. Today, more and more UFC fighters are becoming popular names who consistently do well in PPV which is something that boxing used to own the market in.
Some of the forum responses:
-"Easily De La Hoya. Just by attitude if nothing else. Mayweather seems as if he'd rather die than become a part of MMA while De La Hoya embraces it."
-"Send pretty boy floyd to train with chuck on takedown defense ...dude would be unreal"
-"The big difference in boxing and mma is, when your tired in boxing and need to catch your breath you can keep tieing up your opponent which is one of the main reasons I hate fucking boxing... In mma if you try to tie up you can get kneed in the stomach very easily which takes the wind out of you good luck catching your breath then. The only thing I like about boxing is the standing 8 counts when the fight should have been over the fighter gets a chance to redeem himself or get knocked out even worse... In MMA after a huge punch they can jump on top of them and finish the fight which is how it should be in a true fight."
-"De la Hoya would make the better MMA artist just simply based on attitude. But Pretty Boy Floyd would have a better chance to make it to the upper echelon just because of his age. He's still young enough to cross-train in other disciplines and develop to elite status. I just don't think his ego will let him do it."Labels: Forum Talk
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