MMA Punch - MMA News, Fight Predictions, and Opinions

Friday, April 20, 2007

Best fight in TUF history?

On the last episode of The Ulitmate Fighter, Dan White said of the Nate Diaz / Rob Emerson fight "That's probably the best fight we've ever had." What am I missing? The first round was pretty good, but nothing amazing. Round two Diaz dominated. There wasn't one time in that round where it looked like Emerson was going to turn the tide. If this was the best fight in The Ultimate Fighter then that isn't say much for the calibur of MMA fights in TUF. A great fight is a fight where the fighters go toe-to-toe, attempt submissions, escape submissions, back and forth. This was a good fight, but was not the kind of fight to be ranked as one of the best fights ever.

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