MMA Punch - MMA News, Fight Predictions, and Opinions

Monday, March 13, 2006

Shamrock vs. Gracie

The trash talking fued between Frank Shamrock and Caesar Gracie has finally been settled. The long awaited "Super Fight" between Shammy and Gracie went down on Friday. Anyone who thought Caesar had a legit chance against the former UFC star was smoking crack. Here is a guy with his first reall MMA fight going against King of Pancrase and UFC champion. Sure Caesar has a great ground game, but as we all know, ground game isn't good enough these days. Put Gracie against a pure striker 10 years ago and he submits him easily. Not any more. Oh, in case you didn't hear, the fight when all of :21 or :24 seconds ending with Gracie rocked with his ass on the canvas. My thoughts: First off it is a shame that we weren't treated to a better fight. I would have loved to see these guys scramble on the ground, transistion to transistion. Second, it is great to see Shamrock back in action. I can only pray that he will have another go in the UFC and compete in the middleweight division. More editorial about that in the next few days. Third, why the hell did Caesar try to stand up with Frank? Caesar is not a striker. He's a grappler, an amazing one that that, not a striker. Now Frank on the other hand is a world class striker. How can you think you can walk into a ring as a stiking novice and even come close to holding your own with someone like Frank? It would be like Alistar Overeem trying to choke out a ju-jitsu guy. Oh, what, he did (Belfort)...bad example. It would be like Liddell trying to submit Royce Gracie, a terrible game plan that would only lead to failure. Caesar, at least you had the ball to fight a living legend in your first MMA fight. Shame on you for talking so much trash over the years, you obviously had no right to. Stick to your game and stay out of MMA.



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