MMA Punch - MMA News, Fight Predictions, and Opinions

Monday, December 11, 2006

UFC on Yahoo! Homepage - 60 Minutes coverage

Wow, it is offical, The Ultimate Fighting Championship has "made it." Today "Ultimate Fighting" is featured in the main module on the homepage of Yahoo!. As a former employee at Yahoo!, I know that the amount of traffic that homepage receives is obscene. In one day, that homepage will be seen approximately 12,000,000 times! Talk about mass exposure for the sport. In the Internet world, it doesn't get any bigger than this. Funny note, there isn't even a mixed martial arts category in Yahoo! Sport. Irony, sweet irony. The leader on the Yahoo! homepage is "With few rules, "Ultimate Fighting" is growing fast....60 Minutes video report. " "A New Kind of Fight It's been likened to a street corner brawl: two men fighting, very few rules, and the last one standing is the winner. It may be brutal but "Mixed Martial Arts" is also one of the fastest growing sports in America. Scott Pelley talks with the man behind the "Ultimate Fighting Championship" and goes toe-to-toe with some of the top fighters in the sport today." Definitely check out 60 Minutes' coverage (includes interviews with Dana White, Renzo Gracie, and Matt Hughes) . . .Here Quick note, on that page there is a poll. Further proof that MMA has become mainstream: Poll Do you find Mixed Martial Arts fighting too violent? Yes 18% No 82%



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