MMA Punch - MMA News, Fight Predictions, and Opinions

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Results - UFC's Ulimate Fight Night at Miramar - 12/13

Another Ultimate Fight Night is in the record books. In case you were not able to catch the show live from Miramar on Spike TV, here are the results from last night's event. Diego Sanchez def. Joe Riggs - 1st round knockout Josh Koscheck def. Joff Joslin - Unanimous Decision Karo Parisyan def. Drew Fickett - Unanimous Dicision Marcus Davis def. Shonie Carter - Split Decision David Health def. Victor Valimaki - Split Decision Alan Belcher def. Jorge Santiago - By Strikes Luigi Fioravanti def. Dave Menne - 1st round TKO Brock Larson def. Keita Nakamura - Unanimous Decision Logan Clark def. Steve Byrnes - Unanimous Decision



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